Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun at home

Now that Anna is home, she is getting quite a bit of attention from her brothers.  As soon as Will wakes up in the morning, his first question is always, "Where's Anna?" followed by multiple other questions...  "Did you give her some milk? Should we put her in the swing?  Shall I hold her?"  It is great to have so many helpers - and Anna seems to enjoy the attention.

We also celebrated her 1st birthday on Friday.  She took a bite of what I assume was her first taste of solid food - cake!  We figured that the occasion was worth celebrating with some cake, and Anna seemed to like it.  However, green beans may not taste quite as yummy now that she has started off with cake...

Anna also really enjoys hanging out with David.  She still is not interested in toys at all, but she loves to look at faces and hands.   

One toy that does seem to interest her, however, is the Asian "American Girl" doll that was given to her (thanks Claire!)  "Bitty Baby" was quite fascinating the first time we showed it to Anna, and she stared at it for about 15 minutes.  It is funny, but Anna and Bitty Baby look a lot alike.  I sort of got creeped out the other night when I was stumbling around fixing Anna a bottle and I happened to see Bitty Baby out of the corner of my eye.  I thought maybe Anna had escaped - but it was just Bitty Baby, hanging out in the bouncy seat. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! LOVE this. So happy you made it home safely. Have had so much fun following your journey since we are getting ready to make the same trip in Aug (w/ AWAA and our daughter is also in Qingyang City). How old is sweet Anna? Prayers for smooth adjusting and rest for mommy! Congrats!!!
