Friday, October 26, 2012

Traveling fun as a family of 6

 We decided to take our 1st family outing as a family of 6 - so we headed to Vicksburg, MS for a quick trip.  It's not too far from home, and David has been wanting to visit the battlefield.  When I told the boys where we were going, Alex asked about the details - how far, where are we staying, etc.  He asked what was in the town, and when I told him a battlefield he said "I knew it!  Daddy loves those places..."

 During the 1st part of our drive through the 16 mile long tour of the battlefield, Alex decided that he wanted to run from one stop to the next through the field.  Nate joined him, and they started out very enthusiastically.  However, by the end of the run the tall grass and hills started to get to them (but thankfully they made it!)  Note the two small kids in the lower right of the picture...and they ran to the white building in the upper left part of the picture...

Visiting the USS Cairo


Anna and I mostly stayed in the car, since it was pretty hot and she started getting a little fussy

 And we read the brochure after this picture was taken that no climbing on any weapons is allowed....oh dear!

Anna sits in the shade while her brothers play at a park

And of course, the best part of any trip is the chance to swim in the pool at the hotel, right?  Even Anna enjoyed the pool!

And certainly I shouldn't encourage this, but I couldn't resist taking a picture of Will after he "labeled" his seat in the minivan.  Why did I ever let him hold a Sharpie marker?  Anyway, just in case you are wondering which seat is Will's seat in the minivan, now it is forever marked as his.  He was warned not to EVER do that again.  And yes, those are the ground-up crumbs of 2000 goldfish on the floor.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect on the trip, but I figured that Anna would do fine in a different setting since she is a sweet natured baby.  However, sleeping in a hotel is a whole different story.  And I used to think traveling with 3 kids was a lot, but now I know that traveling with 4 kids is even more exciting!  I have to say, however, that I am very grateful for the marked change that I noticed in my daughter from the last time we stayed in a hotel together (in China) till now.  In China, poor Anna couldn't tolerate being held for long at all and cried until I put her in the crib.  Now, it is a totally different story - she would cry the minute I put her down in the crib in the hotel room, and she only wanted me to hold her.  We were all grateful to come back home, but I literally heard Anna let out a big sigh when I put her to bed in her own crib that first night back home.  I love that she is such a wonderful part of our family, and she completely feels at home with us now.  So - we had a great trip - BUT we are all thankful to be home!  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Anna's progress and trouble with teeth

Anna continues to do well; I feel like we've finally settled into a great therapy routine.  She gets therapy (PT/OT/speech) 4 times/ week.  I kept trying to squeeze 2 visits into one day, but Anna made it clear that it was way to much to ask of her to do that!  We have some great therapists, and we continue to work on all kinds of skills.  She is actually able to stay up on all fours now - but still a long way to go before she crawls! 

Anna really enjoys music, and I try to take her into church on Sunday evenings during the singing (NOT during the preaching...that would be way too disruptive for David - ha!)  She is sitting in my lap in the picture below, picking her favorite hymn out of the hymnal...

 A couple of weeks ago Will and I were at the store, and he spotted the baby princess costumes for Halloween.  He ran over to one and said, "Anna needs that!"  I totally agreed, so here's my little Asian Cinderella...(thanks to my friend June for getting pictures despite a very tired baby who didn't really want to cooperate...)

And finally, the big news of the day on Monday was Alex's tooth.  He was so excited to lose his tooth at school, and he proudly brought it home in a labeled ziploc bag.  Of course that was too much to keep it in the bag, so he lost it once in the car and then recovered it with the help of his brother Nate.  However, the temptation overtook him again and he pulled it out of the bag while he played in the backyard...and yes, he lost it again.  Much searching, tears...but no tooth!  Thankfully the tooth fairy was still able to visit, but Alex has been telling everyone very sadly..."I lost my tooth, then I LOST my tooth!"  Such is many ups and downs...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Feeding fun

Anna has made some great strides over the past week with her feeding/drinking.  She has been so resistant to anything being put in her mouth except her own hand or her it has been a very slow process to try to get her to eat baby food or try a cup, etc.  I have been very cautious, as I have read many stories about adopted children who were in great need of nutrition but started rejecting food out of fear or other reasons - so I have been very pleased that she has gained so much weight from her bottle feedings alone (she is up to 18 pounds now - woo hoo - which is very impressive since she only weighed 13 pounds when we met in May).  
This past week she tried a "honey bear" cup with her SLP - and Anna actually tried to close her lips around the straw as she had the water squeezed in her mouth - big deal for her!

This next picture marked the first time Anna finished her entire jar of baby food bananas...she had been taking only 4-5 bites at a time, but last week she ate the whole thing!

Will has been very anxious to help feed Anna, so I let him try it finally.  I coached him on how to do her name, wait for her to open her mouth, etc.  I was surprised when Anna actually let Will feed her a few bites!  And I love how it is just universal that when you are trying to get a baby to open her mouth for food, the one feeding does the same...

Okay - WARNING - this next picture is kind of creepy, especially for you therapists who are concerned about hip positioning, but it was too crazy not to include.  Anna has started transitioning from sit to prone (on her tummy) by just leaning forward...not the best way to do it, but we're working on that.  However, I went in to check on Anna during nap time the other day, and I found her sleeping like this:
Thankfully she rolled over onto her side and moved her legs into a better position right after I took this picture...and to all my therapist friends, I am getting her some "hip helpers" to wear!