Monday, July 30, 2012

Working on sitting and other exercises

Today Anna decided that she would push all her toys off her tray while she sat in her Bumbo seat - what a great game!  I think she needs to play this game with her brothers instead of me, though.  I think they will appreciate it even more than I do.

During her speech therapy treatment today Anna did really well sitting with support from the "Boppy" pillow - so of course I had to buy one right away.  She decided to pose  - that hand on the side of her head is a common Anna look - sort of a "woe is me, Mom is making me work so hard".

I have always had people tell me how "mean" physical therapists are with what we make kids do...PT stands for pain and torture, etc...ha ha ha.  However, I think that speech language pathologists should fall under that category too!  My homework with Anna is to do horrible stretching/massage to her poor little cheeks and mouth - 5 TIMES A DAY.  But I am being compliant with this homework, just for the record.  So - all you cool SLP's out there - I really appreciate what you do even more!   And I'm also glad I'm a PT!


  1. Haha - could she be any cuter? And, seriously love the owl boppy :)

  2. She has come a long way in a short time. Keep up the good work and she will be running around soon. Sounds like Will is going to be her protector.
