Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fun in New Orleans

Friday we had a follow up visit for Anna with the surgeon.  As we were driving to the hospital, we got a call that the surgeon was running late - so we went by the hospital and checked Anna in, then drove a few blocks down to Magazine street to find somewhere to eat.  So this is a major perk of having all these appointments...just right around the corner from all these cool, unique restaurants!  Anna enjoyed hanging out at the restaurant, especially since we were able to sit outside.

Here she is enjoying drinking (well, sort of just tasting) some water

         And she looks very happy about David's shrimp and grits, although no bites of that yet for her...

I was dreading telling the surgeon that we just couldn't keep Anna from pulling her nasal conformers out...she somehow kept worming out of her arm immobilizers...but he acted like it was no big deal.  If I had known that before, maybe I could have had some better nights of sleep!!!  But she is doing well and healing nicely.  The plan is to have her next surgery for her palate around the beginning of December.

We worked on tummy time while we waited in the exam room - check out how well she is pushing up on those hands!

And this is classic Anna below - thankfully she can focus really well now (the eye doctor thinks she just has immature eyes due to her environment of minimal stimulation in the orphanage), but every once in a while we get this impressive face!  The boys think it is really cool that she can cross her eyes so well - Alex was bragging to a friend that Anna is only a year old but can cross her eyes like a much older kid (since Nate has just acquired the "eye-crossing" ability at the age of 8).  I haven't really tried to explain that we don't really want her crossing her eyes - I figure it's fine if they want to think that it's a special skill!

1 comment:

  1. Not only "two noses" but all of these other talents - crossing her eyes, escaping her arm no-no's, what's next? Relieved that you weren't in trouble with the doctor - phew!!! Thankful that Anna is healing nicely ... hmmm ... wonder if Nora might be having her lip repair at a similar time that Anna is having her palate repair. Time will tell :)
