Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Two noses

Will continues to give Anna LOTS of attention...he still wakes up every morning looking for Anna and is always eager to "squeeze" her (I feel like I say the words GENTLE and CAREFUL every other word).  When he saw Anna for the first time after her surgery, he exclaimed "Anna has TWO noses!"  He even went to the nursery at church and told everyone that Anna now has two noses. Interesting...and he even looked at an old video of Anna and pointed out that was when Anna had one nose.  I finally asked him how many noses he has, and he replied "TWO!"  I'm not really sure if he is ready to start preschool...

Here are some recent pictures, thanks to my sweet friend June!  And the good news/bad news is that Anna can now get out of her arm immobilizers and pull out her nasal I have given up trying to keep them on.  I have been beaten by a 14 month old - but I am proud that she is fighting and strong enough that she can do that!  However, I will have to confess to the surgeon on Friday at our follow-up appointment that we are non-compliant...sigh.  I was so determined that I was going to do everything just right for follow up, but Anna won!  


  1. Awe, look at the way Anna is adoring her doting big brother!!!! Man, little miss Anna looks to have quite a contagious smile! Great pictures!!!!

  2. Love love those pictures!! I can't believe you aren't following the rules. ;) Hehe...what a little stinker...and cute big bro! Glad to see her smiling. She is such a trooper! Hugs!!
