Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let's hear it for "Mama"!

Today was a little rough as Anna was recovering from surgery, but she had moments where she felt okay (hooray for pain meds). 

We were able to come home this afternoon, but poor Anna is very frustrated by the arm immobilizers.  However, she managed to use her feet to play with her toys in her bouncy seat - way to adapt!  The other very exciting milestone was that she said "mama" a couple of times today.  I don't think she's actually connecting it with me, but I'll take it.  I was just telling David the other day that Anna had better say mama first, since the boys all said "dada" first...Nate even said baseball before he said mama...
So sweet Anna has given me great joy by saying mama - poor kid was probably trying to say it before, but she didn't have a lip to make it happen!  

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I love reading your blog and seeing pics! Thanks for sharing your journey! Love you!
