Friday, January 4, 2013

On the move...and getting ready for surgery!

Thankfully it seems like Anna is finally getting over her sickness - just in time for surgery!  The last time surgery was scheduled it had to be canceled due to illness, so hopefully we will make it this time.  Poor thing has been sick a bunch, but she finally is back to her happy self these past couple of days.  As I read about others who have gone before me with their children having palate repairs, it is a bit intimidating to think about the details...but I just keep telling myself that this is the next major hurdle, and then hopefully she won't have to have another surgery for a couple of years.  The biggest bummer for Anna, I think, is that she won't be able to have her bottle or suck her thumb for 2 weeks.  Super big bummer.  Since she has been sick so much, I have just been giving her the bottle and not really working hard to transition to the cup.  Today, however, when I spoke to the nurse about the surgery, she suggested I ease up on the bottle over the weekend to make the transition a little better after surgery.
Now I have been a little crazy over the past few months and have bought about 5000 different kinds of sippy cups, in hopes that Anna will like maybe one of them.  None of them have totally caught her eye, but today I tried one of Will's old cups without the valve in it - and she actually took it!  Woo hoo!  So, I guess I will leave behind all the cute flowery/girly cups I bought and use the cool Texas Rangers baseball cups.  I also have found it interesting that some of Anna's favorite toys are the plastic lids from the baby food containers.  Some people, who are crafty and cool, probably think up all kinds of great things to do with their empty baby food containers - while I, on the other hand, like to use them as toys.  Much easier.

It is fun to watch Anna really take off in the mobility department.  She is crawling everywhere now, and particularly enjoys crawling in and out of her room and playing with her toys.  So now I can blame the mess on Anna...
On the move...

Loves those musical toys
Check out this tall kneeling!

Thanks for your prayers as we approach surgery day on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for mobile Anna!

    Praying for you as Monday nears ... we will surely be able to commiserate over recovery and restrictions these next few weeks!
