Monday, January 14, 2013

poor little pitiful...

Recovery is slow but going well thus far!  In my reading and talking with friends who have gone through this surgery with their kids, it is pretty universal that it is just miserable - no way around it!   Poor thing is crying so much that she was hoarse by this weekend, and David called her our little Chinese torture device.  She developed a fever this weekend and I had to take her in to get checked out, but all was fine.  I am counting the days until her follow up appointment on Friday - where hopefully she will be able to stop wearing these stinkin' arm immobilizers (and have her beloved bottle back).  Eating and drinking has been an issue, as Anna has refused any and every cup that we offer her...and it is a struggle to get her to eat much.  I have finally figured out the best way to get her to eat - I put her in the bumbo seat in front of the TV with a Baby Einstein DVD on (terrible, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures) and try to shovel baby food and use a medicine syringe to get some formula in her.  She still flails her arms around to push me away, but it is a little less than when I have her sitting in the high chair in the kitchen.  However, Anna is a trooper and is overall doing well.  She is crawling around and playing in her room even with her immobilizers in place.  
One thing that has been a new development is that Anna now enjoys looking at herself in the mirror.  A good tool for me to use in the doctor's office (as we spend a lot of time in waiting rooms these days) is my camera on my phone where she can see herself.  It is pretty amusing to see her goofy faces!

I've seen lots of this expression this past week...

Goofy face #1

Goofy face #2

And...this is what Anna thinks of all those doctor visits


  1. Ouch! I can hear the cry in the top pic in this post!!! I'm SURE Anna is hurtin' and I'm SO SURE your ears are, too!!! So grateful to God that she is recovering well!!!

  2. We do what we can to survive with our little Chinese torture devices :) Ha, love that!!!! Love Anna's faces too! What a character!

    I was thinking a lot about you the other day as Nora was having a "Day 'O Cryin'" :)
