Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Anna's progress and trouble with teeth

Anna continues to do well; I feel like we've finally settled into a great therapy routine.  She gets therapy (PT/OT/speech) 4 times/ week.  I kept trying to squeeze 2 visits into one day, but Anna made it clear that it was way to much to ask of her to do that!  We have some great therapists, and we continue to work on all kinds of skills.  She is actually able to stay up on all fours now - but still a long way to go before she crawls! 

Anna really enjoys music, and I try to take her into church on Sunday evenings during the singing (NOT during the preaching...that would be way too disruptive for David - ha!)  She is sitting in my lap in the picture below, picking her favorite hymn out of the hymnal...

 A couple of weeks ago Will and I were at the store, and he spotted the baby princess costumes for Halloween.  He ran over to one and said, "Anna needs that!"  I totally agreed, so here's my little Asian Cinderella...(thanks to my friend June for getting pictures despite a very tired baby who didn't really want to cooperate...)

And finally, the big news of the day on Monday was Alex's tooth.  He was so excited to lose his tooth at school, and he proudly brought it home in a labeled ziploc bag.  Of course that was too much to keep it in the bag, so he lost it once in the car and then recovered it with the help of his brother Nate.  However, the temptation overtook him again and he pulled it out of the bag while he played in the backyard...and yes, he lost it again.  Much searching, tears...but no tooth!  Thankfully the tooth fairy was still able to visit, but Alex has been telling everyone very sadly..."I lost my tooth, then I LOST my tooth!"  Such is many ups and downs...

1 comment:

  1. Look at your little miss, rocking the big 'ole flower headband and the princess costume! Adorable!!! And, your Alex reminds me of my boys - each has lost a lost tooth, I distinctly remember searching the grass, in the dark, with a flashlight, trying to find the tooth! Good thing the Tooth Fairy isn't too particular :)
