Sunday, September 2, 2012

Good news, bad news

Bad news:  Anna was sick a couple of weeks ago, and we missed out on pretty much everything, including church.  
Good news:  Anna and I got to watch David preach on TV since our service is broadcast live - woo hoo!  I don't know if Anna really understood, but she seemed to at least recognize his voice...

Good news:  Alex turned 7 a week and a half ago, and my mom and nephew Titus came down to celebrate!  Alex was very excited, and he chose Chuck E. Cheese as his "fun place" to visit with the family in town.
Bad news:  The only time we could go to Chuck E. Cheese was on a Saturday.  It is generally a crazy place, but anyone who has ever gone to Chuck E. Cheese on a Saturday knows that it is a bad idea to attempt such a feat.  However, despite the crowds, all seemed to have a good time. 

Having Mom hold Anna at Chuck E. Cheese was especially helpful - I kept thinking about the contrast that this poor baby was experiencing!  Three months ago she was lying on her back, staring at her hands with practically no she is smack in the middle of the loudest possible place you can find in America - a crazy game filled/children screaming/music blaring place!

The birthday boy earned lots of tickets - and was able to get a lot of "valuable" prizes!

Bad news: Hurricane Isaac was heading our way last Tuesday...
Good news: The kids and I took off for Texas to stay with family, and we had a great week visiting friends and family!  (and we only lost part of a fence in the storm)

Anna showed off her new skill of sitting independently!  She is still very unsteady, but she is making great progress.

The kids and I got to visit my brother's new house out in the country, and Anna got to meet Tom and my dad for the first time.  Tom took my 2 older boys for a drive in his truck to practice their driving skills - the rule was no shirts for boys learning to drive in the country!

We also got to visit with some dear friends whom I 
have known since college - it was great for Anna to get to meet them, too!

And then a quick visit with the cousins at the zoo in Tyler!

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