Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to school and family outings

We successfully attempted a family outing on Saturday to New Orleans for lunch and a visit to the Chalmette Battlefield (the site of the Battle of New Orleans in 1815).  Anna did pretty well, and thankfully it was cloudy so it wasn't too hot!

This was our best one of about 80,000 attempts to get everyone to at least look in the general direction of the camera...

On Sunday Anna wore her new dress, and Nate took a picture for me!

And today was back to school for the "big boys"...

...and this is really how they felt about going back to school

Sweet Will continues to shower attention on Anna...sometimes she is less than enthusiastic about all the interaction, but she does love her brothers!


  1. Dana, has she had all of her surgeries?

    1. No - she has several more ahead of her, poor thing. She will have her next surgery in early December to repair her palate (which is still open). She will have another surgery on her nose when she is around 5 years old, then a bone graft to completely close her palate when she is around 8 or so, then further jaw/plastic surgery once she is fully grown as a teenager. I've heard that the next surgery will be a painful recovery, but the sooner we get it done the better! Thanks for asking - hope y'all are well!

  2. Wow, never realized that it would take so many operations. Know it is for the best but she is a baby and does not understand what is going on. I know that she has a loving family that want the best for her. Our prayers are with her and you.

    Sounds like every body is doing OK and having a good time. We miss you guys.
